Alastair is extremely proud to be a core surgical member of the world famous Guy’s Hospital Salivary Gland Multi-disciplinary Team, providing cutting-edge treatments for a full range of salivary gland conditions.
How Alastair can help you
Alongside his fellow Guys team members, Alastair has been at the forefront of innovation towards minimal invasive techniques in head and neck surgery over recent years.
Salivary stones
In the context of salivary gland surgery the use of techniques to remove stones whilst preserving the gland have been developed.
Using small cameras or scopes – a technique referred to as Sialoendoscopy – small stones can be retrieved from the submandibular gland and also the parotid gland to reduce the potential side effects of gland removal.
Parotid tumours
Parotid tumours commonly present as painless lumps in the upper part of the neck or just in front of the ear. The majority of these are benign, but it is important that they are assessed by an appropriate specialist because approximately 20% are malignant.
Usually these tumours are diagnosed by clinical assessment and ultrasound with a needle biopsy.
The surgical techniques used to safely remove parotid tumours will depend on a number of factors and critically whether the tumour is thought to be benign or malignant.
Of high importance in parotid surgery is consideration of the facial nerve. This is within the parotid gland, and is very important because it is responsible for facial expression and eye closure.
Conventional surgery usually involves careful removal of the tumour with the surrounding part of the gland. This is referred to as a superficial or partial parotidectomy. However, an alternative technique for benign tumours is to carefully remove the lump only, in an attempt to reduce some of the side effects of the surgery. This is called Extra Capsular Dissection.
It is important for you as an individual that the right decision is reached. At your consultation Alastair will be happy to talk through the options.