Thank you so much for your skill and kindness.

An NHS patient, August 2017

Mr Fry is clearly an exceptional and skilled surgeon with a warm and friendly manner


Many thanks to Mr Fry and his team for their great and professional service.

A Private Patient, May 2018

I owe you such a debt of gratitude over the last 4 years since my operation.

A Mouth Cancer patient, December 2017

I consider myself very lucky to have been directed to Mr Fry’s care… a caring and approachable consultant who inspires total confidence.

A Private patient, December 2017

Mr Fry’s excellent surgery… made a difficult situation so much easier.

A private patient, August 2017

Mr Fry was exceptionally helpful and understanding


You are saving lives!


You said you would look after me and you certainly did! I received simply first class treatment.

An NHS patient, August 2017

The Patient Journey

We understand it can be a very stressful time for patients undergoing treatment… this is why we will support you throughout your journey.

There will be 3 distinct stages to your treatment: an initial consultation, then one or more surgical procedures if required. Finally – and just as important – there will be a period of aftercare.

1. The initial consultation

The very first step in the process is you, or your doctor or dentist, getting in touch with us. Once that has happened, an appointment will be made for a consultation with Alastair at one of London’s prestigious clinics – usually either The Shard, Harley Street, or the Bupa Cromwell Hospital – at a time that’s convenient for you.

At your consultation Alastair will take the time to hear about the problems you’re having, and arrange any necessary further investigations – for example, X-rays or scans. These can normally be carried out at the same time as your consultation, with the results given and explained during the consultation.

You’re bound to have questions, and it’s important that you feel comfortable asking any you may have. Alastair will be very happy to discuss the relative merits of different treatment options.

a) Wisdom Teeth

At this appointment Alastair will take time to get to know about the problems you’ve been experiencing and assess the wisdom teeth, clinically by examination but also by organising accurate X-rays and or scans. Scans can normally be performed at your appointment or at another time to suit.

Alastair will then be able to advise you on the results of these scans, help you to weigh up the available options and arrive at the best decision for your individual circumstances.

2. Surgery

If surgery is agreed, then this can be carried out under general anaesthetic, or local anaesthetic – with or without sedation. The surgery will be arranged at one of a choice of top London hospitals: London Bridge, The Platinum Medical Centre, or The Bupa Cromwell Hospital. This can usually be arranged within a week if required. Alastair’s practice manager, Carla, will help with your arrangements.

Most patients attend for surgery under general anaesthesia, carried out by one of the highly specialised Consultant Head and Neck Anaesthetists that Alastair regularly works with.

Patients are monitored closely throughout surgery and post-operatively, and virtually all are able to go home the same day after a short period of observation. Patients are discharged home with all medications that they require.

3. Patient Aftercare

The care doesn’t end here: all of Alastair’s patients receive close follow-ups and the best possible aftercare. Typically patients are seen around 1 week post-operatively in clinic and will be given instruction on how to seek any help or advice out of hours.

Review appointments will be made to check that everything is settling back to normal.

In addition to this you are encouraged to contact the team if you have any concerns.